Fall Planting with Langley Village Senior Apartments in Hampton

Sherry Bazemore partner with Kelsey Kennedy, SNAP-ED (FCS) Extension Agent from Virginia Cooperative Extension - Newport News office, to help senior residents at Langely Village Apartments in Hampton do fall planting in thier community garden with the assistance of the VCE Hampton Master Gardeners: Kanisha Haskins-Combs and Marie Woodard. These apartments are a public housing complex for seniors off North King Street.

Kelsey Kennedy received a mini federal grant to fund this project, she wanted to target families that are in SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) eligible census tract with limited income. This grant was able to fund gardening supplies for the seniors and to asisstance them with fall planting with guidance from the VCE Hampton Master Gardeners.

This community garden has been rooted in the complex since 2014. This year container gardens and raised bed was added for fall vegetables. The residents will do the required maintenance (weed and water) to keep the garden growing and they can have harvest that the garden produce. Some of the bounty will be radishes, beets, chives, cabbage, kale, collards, onions, sweet potatoes, etc.